Jeffrey D. Sachs

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Negotiating a Better World

Tage der Transformation – September 30th to October 1st, 2022, Melk Abbey

Negotiating a Better World

Jeffrey Sachs

In his lecture at the festival Tage der Transformation 2022, special advisor to the UN Secretary-General on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Jeffrey Sachs, creates an arc encompassing the great transformations in human history. These have triggered crises that are increasingly difficult to control due to constant acceleration in recent decades. In the face of the climate catastrophe and the Russian attack on Ukraine, Sachs warned against the power of humans to “end all life” and made a passionate plea for open interaction and negotiations. With reference to the Cuban Missile Crisis, Sachs repeatedly referred to J.F. Kennedy and his appeal to use humanity’s new possibilities to end poverty instead of endangering the lives of billions.